

The Measure option may be used to obtain a quick measurement of the bearing and distance between any two positions on the screen. Use the mouse to place the cursor at the first position to measure from and click the left mouse button - as the mouse is moved the bearing and distance to the new current position of the cursor are displayed next to the cursor. If a second point is clicked the cycle repeats, allowing a new first position to be chosen.

NOTE - When points are displayed in grid coordinates near the extreme northern or southern limits of a standard projection zone, or the display is set to Plot Geographic and the area of the Earth's surface displayed is very large, the distances and (particularly) the azimuths displayed may appear to be incorrect. However it should be remembered that the screen display is merely a flat representation of the Earth's surface and since the computation uses rigorous geodetic formulae, the quantities displayed should nevertheless be quite correct. Some thought given to the relative positions of the points on the surface of the Earth's globe should dispel any concerns.

If the cursor is sufficiently close to existing points when the first and second locations are clicked, the cursor snaps to the points and the Inverse window is opened displaying the full details of all the computed values between the selected points, and if necessary, these details for the current line may be added to the Inverse report file. On exit from the Inverse window the Measure mode resumes, allowing another pair of points to be selected which will display the Inverse window again. In this manner points may be selected with the mouse and an inverse report over many lines compiled.

To cancel the Measure option, click the right mouse button, press Escape or select another option.

For more details of the Inverse window refer to the Inverse option.

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